MInes Educational Programs
RMRC at Mines partners with the Department of Engineering, Design, and Society as well as the new interdisciplinary Master of Science in Humanitarian Engineering & Science to bring world class education and awareness regarding humanitarian engineering to Colorado and Beyond.
Society, Ecology, and Natural Resources Education Collective/
Colectivo de Educación Sociedad, Ecología y Recursos Naturales
Increasing access to engaging STEM and environmental education resources in English and Spanish-speaking classrooms.
Midiendo la Calidad de Agua | SMU Lyle School of Engineering
Related MInes PiRE Courses
EDNS 315 Engineering for Social and Environmental Responsibility
This course explores how engineers think about and practice social and environmental responsibility. It critically analyzes codes of ethics before moving to a deeper focus on macroethical topics with direct relevance to engineering practice, environmental sustainability, social and environmental justice, social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, and engagement with the public. These issues are examined through a variety of historical and contemporary case studies and a broad range of technologies.
EDNS 401 Project for people
(I, II) Work with innovative organizations dedicated to community development to solve major engineering challenges. This course is open to juniors and seniors interested in engaging a challenging design problem and learning more about Human Centered Design (HCD). The course will be aimed at developing engineering solutions to real problems affecting real people in areas central to their lives. 3 hours lecture; 3 semester hours.
EDNS 430 Corporate Social Responsibility
Businesses are largely responsible for creating the wealth upon which the well-being of society depends. As they create that wealth, their actions impact society, which is composed of a wide variety of stakeholders. In turn, society shapes the rules and expectations by which businesses must navigate their internal and external environments. This interaction between corporations and society (in its broadest sense) is the concern of Corporate Social Responsibility. This course explores the dimensions of that interaction from a multi-stakeholder perspective using case studies, guest speakers, and field work. Prerequisite: HASS100. Corequisite: HASS200.
Engineers and applied scientists face challenges that are profoundly socio-technical in nature, ranging from controversies surrounding new technologies of energy extraction that affect communities to the mercurial “social license to operate” in locations where technical systems impact people. Understanding the perspectives of communities and being able to establish positive working relationships with their members is therefore crucial to the socially responsible practice of engineering and applied science. This course provides students with the conceptual and methodological tools to engage communities in respectful and productive ways. Students will learn ethnographic field methods and participatory research strategies, and critically assess the strengths and limitations of these through a final original research project.
EDNS 498 Responsible Engineering, Socio-Technical Systems, and Resilient Communities
CSM’s Signature PIRE course
Through the lens of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) viewed as a socio-technical system, this course explores the relationship between responsible engineering and the development and maintenance of resiliency in communities that historically have been ignored or marginalized by engineers and the organizations that employ them. Through in-depth readings, class discussions and projects, students will 1) study and analyze different forms of responsibility in engineering and resiliency in complex communities like ASGM communities; 2) critically explore strengths and limitations of dominant methods in engineering problem solving, design, and research for working with these communities; 3) develop understandings of effective forms of responsible engineering to work with communities, especially through the integration of social science concepts and methods in order to understand ASGM as a socio-technical system; and 4) research, develop, evaluate and present projects on how responsible engineering can lead to resilient ASGM communities.
Capstone DEsign @ MInes
Is comprised by a two-semester, senior-year course sequence: Senior Design I (EDNS491) and Senior Design II (EDNS492). The Capstone sequence offers a one-of-a-kind, creative, multidisciplinary design experience emerging from combined efforts in civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental, and general engineering. It is increasingly recognized within the engineering community that many of the grand challenges facing society today will only be met by multidisciplinary approaches. Capstone Design@Mines embraces the uniqueness of each disciplinary approach while enabling students to address real-world, interdisciplinary challenges.
Capstone Design@Mines addresses ABET accreditation guidelines for the engineering design component of engineering program curricula:
- use of open-ended problems,
- formulation of design problem statements and specifications,
- consideration of multiple alternative solutions for a given challenge, plus
- assessment of the desirability, feasibility, and viability of proposed solutions